Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cottonmouths, by Michael

Cottonmouth’s Life
by Michael

Cottonmouths live in Southem United States, Virginia, and Florida.  They also live near water and fields.  Cottonmouths also live in swamps, slow moving streams, marshes, and drained ditches.  They live in lakes and ponds.

Cottonmouths eat lots of different things for their diet.  The cottonmouth bites its prey and runs away in the wild.  In the zoo the cottonmouth eats  mouse, rats, and chicks.  they also eats warm  and cold blooded prey like some kinds of snake, frogs, and fish.

        Cottonmouth can be as tall as 30 to 48 inches.  Their length is 76 to 122 cm.  They have a black back with dark ovals.  Their bellies is pale they have  vinmes onder their jaws.        
        There number one preter is humans.  Sometimes the humans think kinds of snake are cottonmouth and sometimes kills the snake.

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