Friday, April 25, 2014

Tactile Geography

The class utilizes nonfiction text features to locate U.S. landforms, then pinch Play Doh ranges, and roll major rivers. Daniel locates mountain ranges, then turns a political map into a physical map.

Is Saraya giving someone a look while sculpting?

Lucas tries to hide (to no avail).

Frenya locates major rivers.

Pierce's map is complete!

Ethan creates a label for a verdant Rio Grande.

Josie smashes the Rockies.

Carolina is all smiles.

Aiden takes a break and explores to the South Pacific.

Soren's map is almost complete.

Andrew's about to label the Hudson River.

Grinning, Da'oud prefers to stand.

Messiah gets started (smiling from ear to ear).

Ally searches for the next river.

Does Alyssa discover an island in the Atlantic?

Elliott prepares to label.

Rodney flexes his geography skills.

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