Saturday, May 4, 2013

Global Youth Service Day, 2013

Global Youth Service Day is celebrated worldwide at the end of April (26th-28th), but we celebrated this year on May 3rd with a walking field trip around the Boulevard neighborhood.

Equipped with requisite vests and "litter gitters," we began picking up trash right away.

It's funny (not really) how many cigarette butts we found around medical office buildings.

The dirtiest location by far was between McDonalds and the Delta Tau Delta fraternity house, where the kids found a pair of pants. Luckily, we never saw the owner.

A variety of plants and gardens along Boulevard offered curious stops along the way.

The rain held off until we returned to school, and the trip was a success. In all, we collected around three bags of trash, and one bag of recyclables. 

Click the image above, or right here to learn more about Global Youth Service Day, and how you can join the estimated 2 million young people around the world.

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