Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Comparing and Contrasting Refugee Stories

The students work in collaborative groups while comparing and contrasting refugee stories from Syria and Sudan.

Brothers In Hope, written by Mary Williams and beautifully illustrated by Gregory Christie, tells the story of the Lost Boys of Sudan. According to Lee & Low Books, it's "a story of remarkable and enduring courage, and an amazing testament to the unyielding power of the human spirit." Click here to read an interview with Gregory Christie.

The second story is a collaboration between Canadian author Margriet Ruurs and Nizar Ali Badr, an artist living in Lattika, Syria. The artwork is a series of stone arrangements depicting a family's journey during a humanitarian crisis. The publisher says, "Stepping Stones tells the story of Rama and her family, who are forced to flee their once-peaceful village to escape the ravages of the civil war raging ever closer to their home. 

Claren and Tyler begin with character motivations and traits.

Zack, Lake and Louisa work as a team.

Cancieanna and Ruby contribute to different sections of the Venn diagram simultaneously.

The diagrams are now posted in the third grade hall, so come and see how Connor, Oren and the rest of the class respond to diverse stories about refugees.

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