Monday, May 12, 2014

Dolphins, by Pierce

by Pierce

Here are some fun facts about behavior. Dolphins love to play games with each other. They can communicate with each other well. They communicate by squeaking, squaking, and whistling. Female dolphins have babies one at a time. The highest point where they can jump, is up to 20 ft. Dolphins can swim up to 34 mph and can also dive 1,000 ft deep. They can hold their breath for several minutes. Those are some interesting facts about dolphins.

         Where do dolphins live? They live in the Atlantic Ocean. Their young ones are raised in quiet shallow places. Half of their brain is asleep so they sleep swim, instead of laying down.That is where they live.

         What do they eat? They eat fish from the surface of the water and squid. Although they have 100 sharp teeth, they still eat their prey whole. Those are a few different things they eat.

Here are some predators of the dolphin. Humans can be a threat by destroying their habitat and spilling oil. Orcas and a few types of sharks prey upon them. Those are some predators of the dolphin.

These are some cool features about the dolphin. They can live up to 30 years and can get up to 14 ft long. Their sense of hearing and eyesight are strong, but their sense of smell is little. They’re gray and have a blowhole on their head. Bottlenose dolphins have rounded bodies and long beaks. Thier tail fins are called flukes and the fin on their back is called a dorsal fin. Those are some feature facts.

Here are some other facts. They can communicate well with each other. Bottlenose dolphins have a dark side and have the capacity  to kill a human. Female dolphins are called cows and males are called bulls.


  1. This is really informative. Thank you. I didn't know that dolphins can live to be 30 years old. Once I swam really close to dolphins in Florida, and tried to go up and down just like them. I also like how you introduced the diet section with a question.

  2. I didn't know that they could dive 1,000 ft.

  3. I didn't know that dolphins could go 1,000 ft deep

  4. I like that you told us how they eat, and not just what they eat. I didn't know that dolphins can live to be 30 years old!

  5. I have swam with dolphins before.
