Monday, May 12, 2014

Dolphins, by Essie

by Essie

Dolphins have interesting features. Dolphins are smaller whales and have 100 sharp teeth.Their back fins are called flukes. They are smarter than other animals. They are gray and have little pieces of hair. They have a blow hole to breath air. They have to come up to the surface to breath out of the blow hole.

        They live in many oceans. When they sleep they keep one eye open and one eye closed. They  live in the Atlantic Ocean. Dolphins live off the coast of Jekyll Island.

They behave in different ways.They hunt for food in groups. They can jump 20 feet in the air! Dolphins can communicate with other dolphins. They have a good relationship with humans. They are calm and playful. People can sometimes  see dolphins jump out of the waves. Have you seen them in the waves?

Dolphins have a weird diet. Bottlenose dolphins eat squid and fish.
They do not eat plants. Dolphins eat meat.

        Dolphins have many predators. Tiger sharks, bull sharks, and dusk sharks kill dolphins. Some people catch dolphins in their nets.



  1. I didn't know their back fins are called flukes and I didn't know they live next to Jekyll island.

  2. I didn't know they had only 3 predators.
    Nice use of adjectives.

  3. I really liked how you explained it. I also liked how you said dolphins have a weird diet. why did you chose dolphins?I wished i had 100 teeth

  4. I did not know that dolphins ate jelly fish.Thanks.

  5. Essie is that true a Dolphins diet is weird?

  6. ''Wow'', Bull sharks really proprietors to the dolphin!

  7. Were you doing a research paper on all different types of dolphns or the bottle nose dolphin?

  8. Your us of punctuation is exemplary!
