Sunday, November 17, 2013

Spelling, Sticks, Stones, Shaving Cream, Boots, Play-Doh, and Crossbows

The first installment of tactile-kinesthetic spelling starts with Lucas' Andy Goldsworthy-esque arrangement above. 

What does tactile-kinesthetic mean? Tactile refers to touch, so tactile learners need to feel and move things with their fingers and hands. Soren arranges a range of weaponry and household objects to spell his words.

Kinesthetic refers to movement, so kinesthetic learners need to interact with their bodies, instead of simply listening (auditory), and/or watching (visual). As Frenya's finger reveals words in shaving cream, she strengthens her understanding of consonant/vowel combinations.

Spencer contains his creativity on a baking sheet. 

Pierce's approach is (naturally) a bit more decorative...

Lucas takes advantage of fall color...

Andy Goldsworthy's art inspires. Click here for more.

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