Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sandy Creek Nature Center, 2013

Illuminated, Saraya gazes at a wiggling discovery.

The Sandy Creek Nature Center field trip offers a hands-on preview of Georgia habitats, area, and perimeter - units we'll explore later in the year. 

Alyssa and Daniel work together to determine the perimeter of a microhabitat.

Daniel is less than comfortable with a little invertebrate….

but Carolina's not afraid of her viscous find.

Teams explore microhabitats, and each member has a job to do. Spencer is a meticulous note taker. 

Ally waits patiently for insects to explore the microhabitat inside her mouth.

Essie does the robot, and waits to check the temperature of the soil.

Messiah analyzes living and nonliving matter.

Are Frenya and Alyssa starting a nightcrawler relay race?

Inside the center, groups sort plants and animals into their respective habitats.

Ethan and Santisha determine where you might find rhododendron growing in Georgia.

Josie's gears are turning... 

The highlight of the cool morning is a hike around Clay Pit Pond.

Can you spot the turtle?

Curious hearts a burstin' flowers dangle along the trail. 

Elliott and Ethan discover a variety of moss along the trek.

The wheels on the bus go...

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