Saturday, March 9, 2013

Rainbow Snakes, by Seonni

Rainbow Snakes
By Seonni

     Rainbow Snakes have interesting body parts. A rainbow snake’s colors are black, red, pink, yellow and gold.  You can tell if it is a boy or girl because males are smaller than females.  A rainbow snake can grow up to be 36/44 inches long.  Last of all about features, a rainbow snake has shiny smooth skin, and they have bluish/black back scales, with  three red stripes. They also grow up to a total length of 36/48 inches.

They are found in southeastern states.  A rainbow snake lives in the coastal plain in slow streams. Did you know the name rainbow snake comes from greek erythes?  

Some females lay over 50 egg at a time. People don’t see rainbow snakes because they hide. All  About Behavior. Rainbow snakes are not seen because they are sneaky. They usually spend their time in plants in the water. They are sneaky so they can catch  their prey.  They are good swimmers and now how to slither into mud and sand.

Rainbow snakes eat many things.  A rainbow snakes usually  eat eels, frogs, salamanders, and tadpoles.  

A rainbow snake’s predators are humans. Humans kill rainbow snakes when they are turning soil around to plant crops.

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