Saturday, March 9, 2013

Dolphins, by Atticus

All About Dolphins
By Atticus
     Dolphins have some pretty cool features. Baby dolphins grow to about 1.3 m., female dolphins are called cows, some dolphins have a black band around their eyes, all dolphins have a blowhole, some dolphins colors are yellow, white, gray or black, and some dolphins have whiskers.
     Dolphins only have one main predator, humans. they can defend themselves by jumping out of the water. they can also be hurt by ghost nets, pollution, and people catching them.        

     Dolphins don’t eat a wide variety of fish. They are carnivores so they eat fish and squid. They can eat schools of fish at one time.

     Nobody knows how many dolphins because there are so many. Dolphins use echolocation to move and catch fish. Dolphins are known for their agility and playful behaviour. They use echolocation to hunt schools of fish by surrounding them and taking turns swimming through the school and catching fish.(Echolocation is an invisible beam they use to bounce off surfaces and tell them where they are.)

     Dolphins have some weird behavior like, many types jump out of the water (spy hop) and follow ships often synchronising their movements with one another. Scientists think that dolphins  save energy  by swimming alongside ships known as bow riding. dolphins from five to several hundred.

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