Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bobcats, by Aidan

All About Bobcats
By Aidan

                  Bobcats live in really  cool  places.  They live in North America ,  from northern Mexico to southern Canada.They make more than one den. Their population is 725,000 to 1,020,000 to remain in the wild.        

Bobcats eat a lots of food . They eat hares and rabbits.They also  eat birds,  bats,
rodents,  and adult deer too! In winter months they eat lambs, poultry,  and young pigs.

Bobcats have different predators.  Bobcats are kill  by farmers.  Farmers will  get pitchforks and kill them . Asol bears and wolves are predators too!  That’s why   their population is going down, and so there’s not many left.

Bobcats have  cool behavior.  They will spot out there prey  and they will pounce onto their  prey . Then they will bring it back to their dens.          

Bobcats have  cool features.They have sharp claw  to rip their prey.   They are medium sized cats. They have  black spot and white spots too!

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