Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Room Messer Upper, by Lena

The Room Messer Upper
One day, Joe was going to work. It was a usual day, first get up at three a.m., then eat breakfast, and get in the car and go to work.

          When Joe got there, he was late as usual. The usual yelling from his boss, “What made you late?” etc., the usual excuses to stay out of trouble, and the usual everything.

When he got to his room, he cleaned it and organized it because it was inspection day.
After that, he hopped in the car and drove home. 

Meanwhile, at the office, something was going on. The Room Messer Upper [a legendary monster known only in fairy tales] arrived at the office. He disabled the security cameras and alarms, and snuck into the office. He undid all the hard work Joe had done that afternoon. [and very possibly made it even worse]

The next morning, Joe drove to work and saw that his room was atrocious.”What happened?!?!”he exclaimed.”Well, might as well clean up.” he said. So, he cleaned it up and put it into neat stacks again.”If this happens again, I’ll contact the authorities!”he said.
That night,  the Room Messer Upper came back. But this time, somebody was waiting for him.It was the Vacuum Cleaner! The Room Messer Upper’s official arch- enemy!
The fight had begun! The Vacuum Cleaner slashed and hit, the Room Messer Upper dodged and avoided. This went on for a while, until the Vacuum Cleaner played his ace. He sucked up every last bit of the Room  Messer Upper. That fight was recorded in books and talked about worldwide!It was recorded by the not-so-disabled security cameras.
Everybody in town watched the tremendous fight on a movie theater-sized screen. And to make a long story short, nobody ever had problems from the Room Messer Upper again. 
The End!

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