Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A World Where Sharks Swim in the Forest and Somehow you Find Yourself Lost in the Woods, by Lena

     Imagine. Just imagine a world where sharks roam in the forest, and somehow you find yourself lost in the woods. Well, that’s my home. I’m forbidden to go outside, ecpecially not in the woods. I’m Maxamillian, and this is my tale.
     Well, one day, I decided I’d go to the woods. My mother didn’t let me, but I didn’t know what the big deal was, so I went.
     The moment I stepped into the tightly woven trees, I forgot everything. My mom, where my house was, everything. All I could do was gape. All around me, the trees wove together so no escape was possible. Ahead of me, three flesh hungry, floating sharks were staring straight at me. The first one lunged.He just barely missed me. I was trapped in a place where time was warped, I had no idea what to do and at the very least I had a polymorphing  idea of what to do, and three blood thirsty sharks were right in front of me.
    Meanwhile, at home, a week had passed. My mom had called the hospital and an ambulance had arrived. “My baby has gone into the woods!” my mom screamed. “We will go after him ma’am.”replied the ambulance driver. Which they did. They sent the bravest, toughest army soldiers into the woods.
    When they entered, they too lost all sense of direction. But they still remembered their mission. To save me.
    After a bit of searching, they found me. I was locked in a fight with the meanest shark of the group. Since he was distracted, they finished him off quickly. The other two sharks were pretty easy to handle too. “Are you okay?” asked the army soldier. I was scraped up and bleeding. “Yeah,  I’m fine.” I said.
     Since we had killed the sharks, the trees unwound and we went home. After that, I never went into the woods again.
     So that’sthe story of the scariest moment of my childhood. I don’t really have much else to tell, so good-bye, and don’t let the sharks get you!
The End!

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